Thursday, July 15, 2010

Extreme [Garage] Makeover

Just this afternoon I finished cleaning out my family's garage. Now you may think that it was a chore, or I was being paid or something. I am heare to say, though, that from July 14 to July 15, I decidedly, and freely, put almost all of my free time into that big old mess of a "garage." (We use it more like a shed, even though it acctually qualifies as an "oversized garage.") I know that if you're reading this blog, you're probably wondering how the heck this relates to architecture. Well, the garage I just cleaned out is a single car garage. Typically, single car garages are nine or ten feet wide. On the other hand, mine is fourteen, and although most are as short as 15 feet, mine is 21 feet long. We have a ten-foot-wide garage door, and a "people door" on the same side. Even with this masive square footage, my family (me included) manages to completely trash, and fill up, the garage. We need counters! Cupboards! Grocery store shelves! Anything to keep our junk off the floor! Right now were living off of "Jiffy Shelves" and plastic tubs. They work okay; my mom has two that she uses, and I have a huge cabinet that I use. There is one for other stuff, and we have two shelves that stretch about ten feet accross the back. Here's a hint about the now-quality of those shelves accross the back: My dad built them by hand when the garage was built - in October of 1988. We have - or had - furniture all over the floor, too, at least until the annual Eastmorland grarage sale in June. We sold a dining room table, and put a huge bookcase in storage for my sister. Then, of course, we acquired a book case and a bedside table from her - the reason all of her stuff is coming home/going into storage is because she is moving home at the end of tchairs! his month. Anywahy, at least her furniture is small. Oh, and I forgot the chairs! That dining room table we sold? We kept the chairs; here's the story: My mom doesn't like our breakfast room chairs, so we went and bought a dining room set off of in which we all liked the chairs. We kept the table and chairs in the garage until the sale (for like, three months), along with that freaking bookcase/desk that went to my sis. Now all that's left of those are the chairs, which I stacked in a corner. Oh, we also have a rocking chair in there. That's all; I promise. Here's the tally:bedside table, bookcase, four akwardly-stacking chairs, big rocking chair. Now that two bikes are up hanging from the rafters on top of that, our garage is lookin' pretty good! If any of you guys have any organizing tips at all, feel free to leave a comment!

- Herbie131

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