The elevations of Cornerstone Designs homes are completely computer generated. Look at all of the elevation pictures on the right sidebar of my blog right now. See how their composition is so that you can tell good and well that they were done on the computer, but at the same time, they look so real? Those are my favorite types of elevation pictures, and those are they are the work of Cornerstone Designs.
Onto number 2, the plan fonts:
Check out the fonts on these two plans here: They have a different "feel" than other plan fonts used by other design groups, so they are pretty easy to spot. The first plan's font is the newer font that Cornerstone Designs uses (I think). The second plan I think uses the older font, but I personally like it better. It's and fancy and kind of curly; it almost looks...regal? Wierd word to describe a text font, I know, but I can't think of anything else. Cornerstone must have hit something, because the way they lay out their plans seems to be absolutely perfect! (That is most likely just me, though.) The best way I suggest to check out and get a good feel for the two fonts below is to look at the "Main Floor"s under each plan. You can always just click on the plan to make it larger, too.
- Herbie131

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